Lovely Outdoor Company


Lovely Outdoor Company 〰️

Wearing Our Brand

Most companies have a logo that sets them apart from others. Being born in the mountains of Montana, we decided a brand is more fitting for Lovely Outdoor Company. Brands are associated with the old west and are still used today to identify the owner of livestock, stop cattle rustlers, and used to sort livestock from one another - especially at the stockyards. Brands serve as a symbol of pride and are oftentimes passed down within a ranch or family.

We are excited to share the LOC brand with you and hope that when you wear it, you feel like you become part of the story and mountain life that Lovely Outdoor Company represents.

Every design we print on our merchandise has a deep purpose and association to the mountain west; Montana and beyond. We have compiled some stories below:

The Story Behind our Wall Tent Design

Thirteen miles on a horse was a long ride for a young kid, but the end destination was well worth it. The Lovely family would sing songs, come up with riddles and other trail ride games to pass the time as they rode into their mountain camp. There were markers along the way that told them how far they had gone - a slow meandering river flowing through a meadow, then a precarious knife-edge trail with steep shale on either side, a few creek crossings, waterfalls, thick woods, another meadow - and then finally, the wall-tents peeking through the trees. Seeing those worn Montana Canvas tents as the final corner was rounded gave an unbeatable “Welcome home. You made it.” feeling. If you have camped out before, you too, know the welcoming feeling of coming back to your home base - whether it’s a tent, camper, truck bed, or bed roll. We designed our Wall Tent logo as a way for you to think back to that ‘home away from home’ anytime you please.

Trout on the Fly

If you enjoy fishing, there’s a good chance you have gone fly fishing for trout or otherwise heard stories of it. Montana’s fishing brings in people from near and far and has even been showcased in productions including the movie starring young Brad Pitt; A River Runs Through It. Montana has many trout species, but the native ones are: cutthroat, rainbow, bull, and lake trout. Our trout design represents one of Montana’s native species and embodies the indescribable feeling of catching a trout on the fly - something we hope everyone gets to do at least once in their life. 

Pack String

Mountain hunts are often long and grueling and a heavy pack out might just consist of blood, sweat, and tears. Yet, that’s the goal every time. A hefty pack string laden with meat, skulls, and antlers is the epitome of elk hunting the west. 


Classic Best Sellers and New Fall & Winter Styles

Born in Montana, Made for the Outdoors


Founded on the belief that everyone belongs and deserves to experience the outdoors. We hope that we can inspire you to step outside and go adventure!