Lovely Outdoor Company


A 6th generation Montanan,

Maria Lovely cut her teeth in the mountains. Her childhood was unique; she attended a one room school house with five other kids grades K-8, lived in a “town” populated with far more cattle than people, and had bull elk bugling out her backdoor, black bears, wolves, and too many deer to ever count walking through the yard.

She quickly learned the ways of the outdoors, eager to hunt every fall, spend her winters on skis, and the summertime on overnight pack trips in the mountains - or flying over them in a small airplane alongside her father.

Maria’s parents ran Rollin’ Boulder Outfitters, a home-based outfitting business. She was raised amidst the culture, ethics, morals, and delights that came with it. Filling the freezer at the young age of twelve and helping in the conservation of her favorite places and animals hooked her on a chase that will last a lifetime. She saw the amazing work her parents did to support organizations including The Wounded Warriors Foundation, Catch a Dream, RMEF, and many more - it carved a deeper meaning for life and the important role that the outdoors play in it. Those experiences inspire Lovely Outdoor Company to make an impact and donate a percentage of proceeds from every order to a non-profit.

With Montana running through her blood, Maria proudly carries on a rich tradition of outdoor recreation and stewardship. She founded Lovely Outdoor Company on the belief that everyone belongs and deserves to experience the outdoors. We hope that we can inspire you to step outside and go adventure!